September 22, 2023

Cabin Fever Reliever #1: Coolest Cancer Apartment

Are the walls closing in on you like Luke, Hans, Princess Leia, and Chewie in the garbage compactor? Does chemo fatigue have you chained to the couch or locked in your house for days on end? I know first hand what it is like to spend weeks and months living like the boy in the bubble. My remedy: rearranging the furniture (come on guys - not like that!)

My budget was non-existent, my energy for large projects nil, but I became so pleasantly distracted (okay obsessed) with rearranging my apartment that I succeeded in getting my dresser and the arrangement of tshatshkes on top into a juried art exhibition. Never before had I cared so much about brightening up my surroundings and whipping into shape the décor of my apartment. Could I find nobler ways to help humanity than switching the location of my desk three times? Of course, but screw it, this is cancer and I needed some good distraction.

If you are looking for cheap solutions for harmonizing your space and whiling away the twenty and thirty-something cancer hours, check out these resources. Watch out, they are addictive.

Apartment Therapy is the converse of the pre-fabbed, overly produced DIY projects you see on HGTV. This website features guerilla DIY home solutions with pics from the insides of real apartments. Most of the posts seem to be from 20 and 30-somethings. Maybe they should start a coolest cancer apartments project just for us?

Better Homes and Gardens Arrange-a-Room is an online design tool that allows you to create a scaled drawing of your room and drag and drop furniture to see what will fit where best. Warning, this site is booby trapped with magazine subscription pop-ups, but the tool is so easy and fun to use it is worth it.

Has anyone else become obsessed with life within the four walls?
What are some of your best/worst cancer home project tales?

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