January 30, 2023

Cancer and Emotions 101: How to Feel Fear and Not Freak Out.


The Cancer Knowledge Network is a smart online resource for cancer patients and their caregivers.  Their articles for young adults really stand out to me as different.  Their tone is raw and honest without trying to be gritty, cool, sexy, hip, or in your face.  They tackle concerns that are on so many people’s minds and they do it without a shtick, without pander to us being young survivors.

I was excited when they recently asked me to write an article.  It was published today and is title “Cancer and Emotions 101: How to Feel Fear and Not Freak Out”.  I hope you’ll have a read and share it with other survivors and caregivers, young and older.

For more first hand accounts from young patients on how to cope with cancer and fear, please click here to check out the print or electronic version of my book Everything Changes.


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