February 23, 2023

LGBT Young Adult Cancer

Odd One Out
When I was diagnosed with cancer, I lived in San Francisco.  I attended a young adult cancer support group with my great friend and co-cancer patient conspirator Seth Eisen.  Even in San Francisco, queer capital of the world, Seth was the only gay man in our support group.

A few years later, I interviewed Seth for my book Everything Changes.  I hunted endlessly for LGBT support services and advice specific to 20 and 30-somethings to include in a resource section that followed Seth’s chapter.  I turned up zilch.  To write this section, I grilled advocates at major LGBT healthcare organizations on issues that they had never thought about before: the difference between being young and old with cancer.  I’m a married straight woman and was stumping the LGBT community. Something is wrong with this picture.

The only way we will expand support of underserved segments of the young adult cancer community is by striking up good dialogue.  Listen and call in tonight to the Stupid Cancer Show, 9 PM EST when Matthew Zachary and I will be talking with Darryl Mitteldorf about young adult LGBT cancer issues.  

Whether you are gay or straight, what kinds of questions would you ask Darryl on the show tonight?  If you are an LGBTYACP, what are some of the biggest barriers you face as a young adult patient?  Do you feel comfortable being out in the medical environment?

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  1. Everything Changes » LGBT Young Adult Cancer Says:
    February 23rd, 2009 at 1:04 AM

    [...] Everything Changes » LGBT Young Adult Cancer [...]

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