April 04, 2023

Listen Up


I’m Too Young For This Boston

I keynoted at a great conference today in Boston and focused my talk on finding strength through having a realistic attitude and allowing yourself to feel vulnerable from time to time in the midst of our cancer messes. We laughed, we cried, but we did not sing cumbaya. I met some amazing young adults, including a long awaited face-to-face meeting with Chemopalooza (aka Kelly). And we sold a slew of copies of Everything Changes!

Check Out These Two Radio Shows For
Young Adult Cancer Awareness Week:

The Group Room
I’ll be co-hosting with Selma Schimmel
Sunday, April 5, 4-6 EST
2 hours of young adult interviews including Heidi Adams from Planet Cancer and Matthew Zachary from the I’m Too Young For This Foundation.

The Stupid Cancer Show
In case you didn’t get enough of me, Matthew, and Heidi on Sunday PM, tune in to the Stupid Cancer Show for more banter and provocative talk about young adult cancer.
Monday, April 6, 9-10 pm EST

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  1. Wendy S. Harpham, MD Says:
    April 5th, 2009 at 6:36 PM

    As a physician-survivor who writes about survivorship, I’ve read most every cancer-related book out there for the general public.
    I’ve just started reading EVERYTHING CHANGES, and it is excellent. Great voice, information, and advice. I’m sure I’ll be writing about specific chapters or points over the few next weeks on my blog. Bravo! Thank you for a terrific book. I’m looking forward to reading the whole book. With hope, Wendy

  2. Kelly Kane Says:
    April 5th, 2009 at 8:28 PM

    Hey Kairol -

    I think I beat you by about an hour, which means I was passed out in my bed with terrible TV blaring, so no ears ringing just dreams of Golden Girls :)

    Reading with chemobrain might be a good topic as well. I was really intriqued by your talk about taking advantage of all resources possible - especially when you talked about your law student intern… so that was my thought for you to write about.

    I should probably let you know that I not only have chemobrain — I can go to the movie theater, watch a movie and by the walk back to the car completely forget what I saw — but I also just don’t love sitting still and reading a book. I’m pretty sure I have ADD PLUS chemobrain, and the ADD is typically why I don’t sit down and read much. I even have stacks of magazines I subscribed to for my old job that I still get, and the just pile up in the corner! And some of them are trashy Cosmo, who doesn’t love reading trash!

    Anywho, I’m rambling. It was great to meet you face-to-face as well. I also updated by blog with the logo for your site as well as added you to my RSS feeds so I won’t neglect it anymore :)


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