January 01, 2024

How to Use This Blog?


Here’s a guide for newcomers and old-timers alike on how to get the most out of the 270 posts on my blog. If you’ve been here a while, it’s you and your comments that encourage thousands of patients with cancer and other chronic illnesses to follow regularly. If you are new, welcome aboard.

Top-Ten Posts
Visit the top ten posts and leave comments if you’d like. (I love responding to all your comments!):

1. Your 5 Must-Have Items from Surgery & Treatment Time?

2. Do You Like Being Called Strong?

3. How Do You Prevent Errors in Your Care?

4. Smart Responses to Stupid Comments?

5. How to Ask For Your Medical Bill to be Reduced?

6. Your Best Advice To A Newly Diagnosed Patient?

7. Power of Positive Thinking vs. Realistic Thinking?

8. Did Cancer Impact Your Finances?

9. Scared of Every Little Ache and Pain?

10. Have You Ever Seen A Therapist?

Dive into the archive.
Scroll down the right side of this page, click on ‘Hot Topics’, or use the ‘Search’ box just above that to enter keywords about issues that are on your mind.

Stay in the loop.
Sign up to get new posts emailed to you.  No worries, no spam!  Just one or two emails per month. (Look to the right of this page below the Twitter icon and click the blue box that says “Get Blog Posts in Your Inbox.”)

Thanks for your ideas and comments that make this blog a success. I love hearing from you guys!

Over and out,


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